Meet the Team
All study abroad counseling is conducted directly by the director/vice director.

Grace Lee
- Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK
MA Education 석사 졸업
- 어학연수*/대학진학 700건+ 진행
(* Kaplan, EC, Kings, LSI, LSE, BSC, Stafford, Wimbledon School of English, Bell, Frances King, Beet, CEA, Bayswaters, St.giles, OIEG 포함 21개교)
- 영국 명문대 Manchester, KCL, UCL, Bournemouth, Warwick, Surrey, Birmingham, Sheffield, Leeds, Newcastle, Essex 포함 25개교 지원 및 합격 경험

Jay Kim
- Coventry University, Coventry, UK
BSc (Hons) Informatics 우등학사 졸업
- 영국 YMS(Youth Mobility Scheme) 1기
- 어학연수*/대학진학 1000건+ 진행
(*St.giles, EC, International House, Kaplan, Kings, Liverpool School of English, Oxford International, Delfin, CES, Bayswaters, OHC, Stafford House, Regent University of London 포함 26개교)
- 영국 명문대 Cambridge, UAL, UCL, Glasgow, Warwick, Loughborough, Lancaster, Edinburgh, Exeter, Southbourne, Sheffield, York, Liverpool, Nottingham, Royal Holloyway University of London, City(bayes) 포함 32개교 지원 및 합격 경험